Movie Review Podcast

Episode 175



Tim Burton making series based on Wednesday Addams. Movies: Raya and the Last Dragon, Chaos Walking, Boogie. DVD and Bluray Releases: Monster Hunter, Fatale, Half Brothers, Pinocchio, Zappa, Adverse, Des, News of the World, Wonder Woman 84. Video Game Releases: Harvest Moon: One World, Neptunia Virtual Stars, Yakuza Like A Dragon, Ar Nosurge DX, Ciel Nosurge DX, Sea of Solitude Directors Cut, Two Point Hospital Jumbo Edition, Apex Legends, Gensou Skydrift, Monster Engergy Supercorss The Official Videogame 4, Crash Badnicoot 4 Its About Time, Mundaun, Samurai Shodown, Saviors of Sapphire Wings and Stranger of Sword City Revisties, Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse, Jack Jeanne, Maglam Lord, Marvel's Avengers, Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town, Yakuza 6 The Song of Life, Balan Wonderworld, It Takes Two, Neptunia virtual Stars, Drifters. Movie Classic: Robocop 2. What have we been up to lately.