Cottage Garden Party

Episode 10 - Spoken Garden - Gardening In Unison & A Book



Sean and Allison are a very busy duo. Deciding to escape the rat race and go for a calmer lifestyle, they are still pursuing the dream and have now written a book - The First Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers. Of course, they also have a website, are on YOUTUBE, Instagram, and Twitter ....all under the name Spoken Garden Words of Sheryl Crow - "No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere" How true those words are... I ask that you continue to follow me: Https:// and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court If you would like to stay in the know, please subscribe to Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts, or Pandora Podcasts. In the like you mean it! Teri, Cottage In The Court #gardencomm