Ambitious With Dylan Price

Ep.32: Interview w/ The Most Incredible Human Being, Kirstie Ennis



Not many people can say they fought back from what this woman has. On June 23rd 2012, Kirstie Ennis’s life was turned upside down. After a plane crash and 44 surgeries, Kirstie would have to live with the mental and physical damage of her accident for the rest of her life. That seemed to be to much to bare and she tried to take her own life. Since that very moment her life has changed for the better. She rallied back and is living her best life. She’s an athletic champion, she’s walked 1,000 miles through the UK, she’s climbed some of the highest peaks in the world and plans to continue to do more INCREDIBLE things. She’s undoubtedly one of the most amazing human beings to step foot on this earth and I’m so grateful to have her on this week’s episode of Ambitious, Enjoy!