Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

Ep 3:21 Special Finance Secrets from a Senior VP of a Multi-Billion Dollar Company



Welcome to Season 3, Episode 21 of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast!   This week the Millionaire Car Salesman, Sean V. Bradley, CSP & L.A. Williams sat down with Todd Dearborn, Senior VP of Internet Brands. Todd Explains how the Special Finance industry has changed and revitalized the Automotive Industry since the pandemic. He shares how dealerships are making up to and in some cases over $5,000 a copy.  Yes, that is NOT a typo, $5,000 a copy. Todd explains in detail how technology has changed with regards to Federal Laws, Credit Scoring, Social Media Leads and how Internet Brands has is leading the way by utilizing this technology. This is one episode that you don’t want to miss!    #AutoSales #AutomotiveTechnology #AutomotiveIndustry #Marketing #DigitalMarketing #AutomotiveSales #CarSales #TopTen #PersonalDevelopment #MillionaireCarSalesman #Podcast  #OrangeTie #DealerSynergy #BradleyOnDemand  #BlindPhoneMaster #Special Finance #Leads  For More Free Resources and Knowledge: Dealer Synergy | The Auto