Real Estate Investor Huddle

Fortune Favors The Bold In Real Estate Investing



Scaling an investing operation is a bold move, but it’s one worth making.    There are personal and business risks involved in scaling but they shouldn’t stop us if we lay the right foundation.    When we become more focused on the risk involved in scaling, we can hold ourselves back from propelling our businesses and gaining the freedom we seek.    How do we change our mindset and increase our readiness for scaling our investment operation? What are the limiting beliefs around hiring people, and how do they curb our growth?    In this episode, I share why we have to overcome our fear if we really want to take our businesses to the next level. Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    Lack of time is one of the fears people have about being able to scale, which comes from the perspective of thinking we have to accomplish everything in our business.    Even if you’re the best salesperson in the world, if you don’t hire other salespeople, it’s impossible to scale.    Set a threshold for how much risk you’