Real Estate Investor Huddle

The 3 Best Places to Look for New Seller Leads



To scale our operation, generate more leads, and grow our income, we have to learn, own and know a local market. But what happens when we’ve tapped out all the leads in our market of choice?    The answer is to expand in 3 specific ways.    If we’re doing a good enough job of collecting all the data, we’ll discover more houses that we can effectively target beyond our own local area.    How do we find opportunities in other locales? Can we successfully scale our business without having to learn a completely new market? In this episode, I share places you may not have considered for seller leads, and how to go after them.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    You don’t have to stay in the same zip code. Before considering another market, expand upon where you already are.     Expanding into a new city should only be the option once you’ve exhausted the metro areas, suburbs and rural areas around your market of choice.    Don’t go into a completely new market blind. Reverse engineer the market to see