Real Estate Investor Huddle

Paused Ads? How to Ramp Back Up



Marketing is the lifeblood of a successful real estate investing operation. When we stop marketing, people stop knowing what we do and we throw a spanner into our entire lead generation.    Sometimes we have to pause our marketing, and give ourselves the opportunity to improve something that wasn’t operating at 100%, but we can’t pause for too long.    It’s critical that we get our marketing up and running again, and whether it’s online marketing, cold calling or direct mail, we have to get into action.    What are the steps we need to take to get our marketing up and running again? In this episode, I talk about what you need to do after pausing your marketing. Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    If you paused your lead generation, the first people you need to get in touch with are the ones who responded to the last marketing you ran. They are our best and warmest leads.    When you set your marketing budget, make sure it’s an amount of money you’ll be comfortable not getting ROI on for 3 months.