Fab Wives Unfiltered

The door is CLOSED to Open Marriages!



Fab Wives is a community of wives committed to love and marriage. Visit fabwives.com to learn more.Connect with us on Instagram & Facebook @fabwives Join our private Facebook Group, Fab Wives Committed to Love & Marriage: bit.ly/fwconnectonfbJoin the Fab Wives official membership program: fabwives.com/membershipOur Special Guest:Angel Savoy is a Certified Professional Coach: Relationship, Accountability and Wellness Coach.  She is also one of the fearless storytellers in "When the Soul Cries"  a compilation book that exposes the souls of women who have endured and overcame tremendous amounts of pain, disappointment, and betrayal. Visit Angelsavoy.com and connect with Angel on Instagram @therealangelmsavoy