

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins is joined by Johnny Baker, pastor of Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback and author of The Road to Freedom. During their conversation, they discuss helping people remove barriers and general leadership principles. BEST QUOTES "Celebrate Recovery is not just for drug addicts and alcoholics. It's for anybody with what we say is a hurt, a hang-up, or a habit." "What we've found over the years is that pain is universal." "Admitting you have a problem doesn't make you weak, and covering up a problem always makes things worse." "The higher up in leadership you go, the more temptation there is to say, 'I have to have it all together.'" "People want a one-size-fits-all this is how we handle this situation. And what I'm learning is that you can't always do that." "If I hang out with a certain group of people, I become more like them. That's just how it goes." "Everything that happens to you now is going to determine how you lead later - both good an