

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. During their conversation, they discuss research on Vacation Bible School (VBS) and answer the following questions. What are some of the highlights from the VBS research? What are our personal experiences with VBS? Why does VBS work today? What are some tips for the next time someone hosts VBS? BEST QUOTES “Sometimes parents are twisting their kids' arms to get them to go to church on Sunday. It's usually not that way with VBS." "Almost 7 out of 10 parents would let their child attend a VBS at someone else's church if invited." "9 out of 10 adults say that attending VBS as a child influenced their spiritual growth positively." "Because VBS is a short-term commitment, it fits with our culture today." "As adults look back on their experience, 88% say that VBS helped them better understand the Bible." "69% of parents whose kids have not attended VB