

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Scott McConnell, Executive Director of Lifeway Research. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: Overview of the research Who are the unchurched? What are some of the common beliefs about evangelism that this research confirms and denies? What surprised you most about the research? What is your personal takeaway from the research? BEST QUOTES  “Of those who said they are a Christian, a third said they aren't devout, and a third said they aren't currently practicing." "A quarter of unchurched people think they are Christians with a strong faith." "Only a quarter of the unchurched have never attended a church regularly in their life." "For the majority of the unchurched, the church has had a chance to present who Jesus Christ is and what we are about and for whatever reasons they have said, 'that is not for me.'" "Just 35% of people say they would be likely to attend if somebod