David Christopher Lewis

Bettina Torres on MicroCirculation: The Leading Edge of Personal Health Care



There's literally a new wave in personal health care Bettina shares her life-changing story of being introduced to a ground breaking technologyPhysical Vascular Therapy, BEMERthat gave her back a pain-free, active life and a new mission. BEMER is beyond fads, backed by solid science, and is used popularly by doctors, specialists and hospitals -- first in Germany and now increasingly around the world. Bettina explains from her training and experience the importance of vasomotion and blood flow; and she helps us visualize how this FDA registered device unclogs the blood, speeds up blood flow into the tiniest capillaries through our entire body delivering more oxygen and nutrients and disposing of metabolic wastes and toxins. This sparks energy in all cells. Bettina now uses the BEMER as a daily de-stressor, and at REGENERATION Point, her unique Spokane center for clients who come to support their own natural healing processes in body, mind, emotion and spirit. The science of wellness has taken a quantum leap wo