All Roads

10. Trey Henderson



Episode 10 brings us a Photographer, Designer, and Rocket Scientist. You'd think this would be a panel discussion, but no, this is all one man! That man is 2012 Model High School Graduate, Trey Henderson. I was introduced to Trey by Floyd County School's Math Coordinator, and Trey's former teacher, Mrs. Jennifer White. She told me how Trey had worked at SpaceX and I knew I had to get to know this young man. He did not disappoint. Not only has Trey worked for SpaceX, he has worked for a Lockheed/Boeing collaboration, ULA, and he is now working for Blue Origin as a Rocket Scientist! When he has free time, Trey is also an excellent photographer and designer. You can find his work on Instagram at 7rey.Henderson. Go check it out. Impressive stuff from an impressive young man. Give us a listen and learn more about Trey! If there's anyone else you can think of, please send them our way!