
Skills Shortage in our Construction Industry



Title: Skills Shortage in our Construction Industry Topic: Time to help ensure the future of a skilled labor force!During this edition of CareyBrosPros, you’ll find out : That the skills shortage is not in your imagination When and how to inspire an interest in construction Where to find your future skilled workers Guest: Steve Kleber – Principal of Kleber & Associates, as well as President of the “National Remodeling Foundation.”Websites: Phone: (770) 518-1000 (Kleber and Associates) (847) 477-6586 (National Remodeling Foundation) 3 Points for Success – from Steve Kleber: Build your brand. Become an expert in one thing. Be an inch wide and a mile deep. But, be open to changing technologies.Customer first, but not always “right.” – as you build your expertise, you’ll get better at working with your clients so they’ll trust in your knowledge and find that you’re right!Positivity. Work like heck …