
Measuring Made Easy … and Profitable



Title: Measuring Made Easy … and ProfitableTopic: While we all know to “measure twice and cut once” there are still mistakes, waste, and time lost. Here’s an option you’ll want to consider to help make your work more accurate and your waste, disappear! During this edition of CareyBrosPros, you’ll find out about: Accurate measuring and cutting made easy.How a product called Autoset works.Construction workflow. Guest: Brad Kriel – CEO of Velocity RoboticsWebsite: Company phone number - (412) 254-30113 Points for Success – from Brad Kriel: Measuring and cutting is a critical workflow on every job site. Getting it right makes your jobs go better, and provides quality workmanship. Getting it wrong makes jobs slower, more frustrating, and hurts your reputation.  Measuring errors often lead to re-work, which is one of the major time wasters on the job site. Eliminating them eliminates a lot of waste.  Another major time waster is "trailblazing" as a deck builder recently called