
Drill Bits Done Right



Title: Drill Bits Done Right Topic: Richard Kutok of TG Tools United discusses the benefits of working with great drill bits. During this edition of CareyBrosPros, you’ll find out about: What makes TG Tool’s drill bits different. Why you should invest in quality tools. How you can easily sharpen these unique drill bits.Guest: Richard Kutok - Director of Sales and Marketing of TG Tools United CompanyWebsite: 3 Points for Success – from Richard Kutok:1. Don't go cheap. Spend the money. Buy the quality products. Whether it be our product, or whether it be a hammer, it doesn't make any difference. Make it a quality product, so it's going to stay with you. It is an investment.2. Use the right bits for the right job. And with TG Tool’s bits, because they are multifunctional, you don't have to have a bit for every part of the job.3. Pricing. TG Tools has similar pricing for a superior product.@TGTools #tgtools #tools #spadebit #forstnerbit #bradpointbits #precisiondrilling #careybrospros #paddlebit