The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Visibility Marketing with David Avrin: Episode 154 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



David Avrin, The Visibility Coach, is one of the most in-demand Business Marketing/Branding Keynote Speakers in the world today. With a surprisingly irreverent and entertaining style, David delivers a profoundly insightful and hard-hitting message to business audience across North America and around the world. Show Highlights: The new reality in the marketplace is that everybody’s good. @DavidAvrinYou have to make a compelling case that you’re a better choice than the other good choices. @DavidAvrinMost of our marketing connection really has to be about making that compelling case about what makes us different. @DavidArvinFour most dangerous words in business – All Things Being Equal. @DavidAvrinTrue does not equal compelling and accurate does not equal persuasive. @DavidAvrinTo what question is your business the answer? @DavidAvrinWhat makes you the best choice in a sea of good choices doesn’t have to be monumental but it has to be memorable. @DavidAvrinFor most of us, our biggest challenge is