The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Giftology and Strategic Generosity with John Ruhlin: Episode 173 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



John Ruhlin is the founder and CEO of the Ruhlin Group, a North Canton, Ohio-based firm that specializes in high-level gifting plans to build relationships and acquire new clients. John is a sought-after speaker on the topics of C-level selling, relationship development and strategic gifting. He is also the co-author of the book Cutting Edge Sales. Show Highlights: If you take care of the inner circle, everything else takes care of itself. @ruhlinWhen it comes to gratitude, there is an incongruence between what we say and do. @ruhlin If relationships are your most important asset, how you show them that you care really matters. @ruhlinWhen you show gratitude well, you stand head and shoulders of everyone you’re competing against. @ruhlinWe teach people to give gifts ‘just because.’ @ruhlinA gift, by its very nature, should be about the recipient not about you. @ruhlinInstead of sending two hundred of something, send twenty to your top clients and personalize it. @ruhlinAn unexpected gift at an u