The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Values Driven Leadership with Dina Dwyer: Episode 186 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Behind the fancy job titles, the awards, the TV appearances, and the $1 billion-dollar-business that her company’s service brands do each year, Dina Dwyer-Owens equates her success to having a living by a proven Code of Values. Her first book Live RICH: How to build success in your company and your life with a proven Code of Values has connected with thousands of readers by offering a simple message that in a world of constant change, values can be ever-present. Now in Values, Inc., named one of the Top Ten Business Books from 2015 by Forbes, Dina aims to help inspire more hope for the future by taking the spotlight and shining it on those doing the things she loves to cheer about: living and leading with integrity. Show Highlights: Live R.I.C.H: Respect, Integrity, Customer Focus and Have fun in the process. @DinaDwyerOwensPeople create the systems and then we coach those systems. @DinaDwyerOwensWe teach our principle and system to people. Franchising is our vehicle. @DinaDwyerOwensFocus on re-