The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Be Your Own Can, Not Can’t with Mary Anne Em Radmacher: Episode 281 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Mary Anne Em Radmacher's words are on walls around the world, used in speeches and newscasts, and featured in ceremonies that welcome life and celebrate all the occasions in between. Radmacher has designed thousands of products, written over a dozen books, curated the spoken word of a president, taught writing to populations from primary school to prison, and is walked daily by two fine dogs. She is in the Oxford Dictionary of American Quotations. Since 9/11, one of her poems has been featured on the engine doors of firehouses throughout the US. Show Highlights: Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow." - Mary Anne Em Radmacher Out of all of God's creations, the only animals that can put things into perspective are humans. -Dan MooreEvery individual has the responsibility to be absolutely clear on their own talents, skills, and abilities. - Mary Anne Em Radmacher There's one person on the planet who can be an unfettered