The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

A Brave Storyteller with Edie Allen (Part 1 of 2): Episode 298 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Edie Allen has a stunning story of self-recreation. Physically and sexually abused from an early age, Edie ran away from home at 15, cycled in and out of foster care, leaned on alcohol and drugs, and then began to pull herself out of that life with the help of non-traditional healing modalities including Reiki, meditation, intuitive therapy, and every other method that resonated with her soul. With a heart devoted to helping others heal, Edie created a boutique healing practice in 1997 to assist people in a process she calls SHED, SHIFT & SHINE. "Nothing makes me happier than sharing the tools and methods I've learned in my healing journey to help others SHED what holds them back, SHIFT their energy and beliefs to enable them to SHINE like the lights we are all meant to be, which essentially makes the world a brighter place" Drawing from an expansive 30-year career in mental health, personal development, and wellness, as well as her own transformational experiences, Edie is a sought-after life coach,