One Minute Book Review

The TB12 Method by Tom Brady



Today I will be reviewing the TB12 Method by Tom Brady. Brady arguably one of the best athletes in the world, describes in this book how he obtains peak performance on and off the field. The book centres on pliability, which is the daily lengthening and softening of the muscles as a way of injury prevention and longevity for not only athletes but everyone. Brady's method also describes how maintaining balance is crucial while making sure nutrition and hydration are maintained to reduce inflammation. I was drawn to this book as I am interested in learning new physical training programmes and I like Brady's emphasis on using resistance bands to supplement strength and conditioning. The book promotes his products at numerous times, and it felt that I wasn't reading an educational book but more an advertisement. For fitness fanatics, there might be some value in the book, but for everyone else, I suggest typing in resistance band training and nutrition in google and learning that way. I rate this book three stars