Aanu Adedire

I Quit: Rekindle, Restore and Reinvent Your Marriage with Jonathan and & Ayanna Kilgore



Hi family, how are we doing. Welcome to the month of March. This month we will be discussing with different couples who have been married for years and they will be sharing how they met and how they have been making their marriage work. It is important to understand that in the age where divorce is being celebrated, we have so many Christian couples who are navigating life in love. joy and overcoming challenges. Our guests today are a powerful couple who are teaching other couples on how to enjoy and wage over storms in their marriage and why it is worth fighting for. Jonathan & Ayanna Kilgore met as teenagers, became high school sweethearts and married while in college.They entered marriage with a lot of personal baggage and different perspectives they had to work through. As Certified Marriage Mentors & Certified Marriage and Relationship Coaches, they guide couples and individuals to strengthen their relationships and marriages. Through their work with Vow2Cherish Marriage Network, they mentor and