We Are Photographers

Gavin Hoey - Creating a Decade of YouTube Content



Gavin Hoey is a freelance photographer, Olympus UK ambassador and trainer of all things photographic. Primarily focusing on photography education, Gavin was an early YouTube adopter and created a popular photography training channel before joining forces with Adorama in 2012. He’s now the most watched presenter on AdoramaTV where his videos focus on the art of lighting and portraits. Gavin is still creating at least one video tutorial for AdoramaTV every other week and the channel has grown to 1 million subscribers.In this episode Gavin shares tips to overcoming creative blocks when developing new content on a regular cadence. Gavin was an early tech adopter, always fascinated with how things work. Before becoming a content creator, hear Gavin’s journey from studying optometry to writing for photography magazines before making the switch to recording video tutorials for magazine cover discs. Like so many of us creatives, we touch on anxiety, confidence and being your own worst critic. Beloved for his cheerful