Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Pragmatic Security and Data Protection with Gary Chan



Gary Chan is the President of Pragmatic Security at Alfizo and specializes in data protection and security. Tom Fox welcomes him onto this week's show as they discuss the ways to help businesses leverage IT departments, enable sales, and meet compliance. Why Information Security When people buy information security, Gary explains, they're not looking for someone to go in and solve every problem. Clients want to look at information security from a business perspective: how will it help them generate revenue and protect only the things the business wants to protect while saving money? Gary calls this ‘pragmatic information security’ because it delves into the why. It is an approach that helps businesses understand what the highest risks are, and how to manage those risks. Security Within Executive Branches Gary finds that even the most sophisticated Board of Directors lack a proper understanding of data protection. They are more concerned with meeting compliance and avoiding fines. “They don’t really understa