Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 8: Moloch Teaches Typing



In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S01E08 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "I Robot... You Jane." It's a long one, folks, so... sorry? You're welcome? Points of interest: ASMR opinions, the world’s dumbest monks, epic Watcher fail, Miss Calendar!, Red Pill impersonations, Willow’s locker photo of Giles, 90’s Wink Cat, online for what, shoddy propsmanship, elderly dutch friendship, jacked in/jacked off, e-letters, Buffy private eye, the biggest boner of all, froggy style, spider-lies, witty disagreements, speak n’ type from Hasbro, carbonated yogurt, corner corner, computer-assisted suicide, demon scanning logistics, embarrassing high school screen names, the dark history of the Noid, Momo & Scientist, my robot demon boyfriend, and lost & found seduction tactics.