Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 9: One Ventriloquist in All the World



In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S01E09 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "The Puppet Show." Points of interest: Unnecessary crotch shots, cat slut celebration, Giles’ thousand yard stare, Snyder and his whole deal, what happens when you go wood, Lydia falls into a Once More with Feeling-esque fugue state, conspicuous shouting matches, Morgan's family lineage of living dummy guardianship, CARDIGAN GILES, horny dummy harassment, basement ambiance, Sid’s tiny little T-Rex arms, very ineffectual stabbing, leave Miss Franklin alone!, the guillotine situation is a red flag, surprise MVP, extreme tuba, present corner, and facial media. Items Mentioned in Present Corner: Little Giles sticker Cuppa tea sticker Buffering sticker I'm a Slayer... pin version 1 I'm a Slayer... pin version 2