Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 14: Dad Fresh



In this episode of Angel's Dad's Jacket, Amanda and Lydia discuss S02E02 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Some Assembly Required," during which they die and go to Dad Fresh over that fucking jacket. You are hearing our voices from beyond the dad grave. Please, we have one dying wish: lose the jacket. Points of interest: wedgies, grave robins, Yoyo Stakes, The Vampire Monologues, Eric def has toilet cams, my new supernatural revenge thriller: Groped by a Severed Hand, Team Dumpster vs Team Graveyard, TAN JACKET ANGEL, the extended saga of Dad Fresh, Dad Spice, and Parent Co., Xander is the goddamn worst (again), persuasion via football somehow, cheerleading corner, and the distressingly realistic thread of male entitlement that runs through this episode. Toxic masculinity ruins the party again!