Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 18: When It Raynes, It Pours



In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S02E06 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Halloween." Points of interest: a vampire walks into a bar, Cordelia the sick burn phantom, be free Larry!, toxic masculinity ruins the party again, adorable snooping hijinks, hunka hunka burning dick, the right to vote > being sold as chattel to a baron at the age of 12, a care bear with fangs, the relatable nightmare of picking up something in a store and having it make a super loud noise, Ethan Rayne, Leave Willow Alone, a fine boo, the Duchess of Buffonia is exhausting, little minions with the assist, HELLO, RIPPER, literal wig snatch, and finger popping.