Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 29: Soul Glow



We're back after a few weeks off! In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S02E17 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Passion." Points of interest: Sensuously gyrating Slayer, bad teen bushes, honestruation, Blanch Devereaux pajamas, Angel the caricature artist, draw me like one of your French rats, pity puppies, JUJU MAN, personal questions, cinematic glowments, Lydia's laugh is broken, Gramma C is a panty tosser, neck snappers anonymous, Angelus is Poochie, welcome to flavor town, Spuds MacKenzie corner, Terminator Giles, Jenny's confusing burial situation, and a Sunnydale PSA: just don't ever do anything in a public building after hours. WORK. FROM. HOME.