Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 39: It's Better for Slapping



In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S03E05, "Homecoming." Points of interest: Sextown USA, button your shirt Angel, banana shoes are a deal breaker, creepy van stories, why are you like this Jossua?, the logistics of getting mayo under your nails, bunker therapy, objecting to this senior picture farce, all of Buffy's friends suck, the return of the Gorch, parsing the bases, "I don't know if I can twerk in this dress!", panda bear ASMR, the rate of cupcake inflation, Giles' dad jokes, #blessedbywaffles, vegan pause, Queen C gets it done, the mayor knows the truth about children much agony, much choice, and Mr. Trick and Candy Gorch really elevate the fashion segment.