Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

FBTP 43: In Front of Everyone



In this episode of Fire Bad, Tree Pretty, Amanda and Lydia discuss S03E09 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "The Wish." Points of interest: Faith's love of slime demons, infuriating troll logic, red is the color of Cordelia's energy, LEAVE JONATHAN ALONE, Perfect Oz being Perfect, John Lee is a trash can, literally no one wants to see the show where Xander is the main character, the logistics of Anyanka's necklace, the wishverse contains such beautiful garbage, why is Vamp Xander wearing a diamond tennis necklace?, Sunnydale's low property values, that fear is striking name into nobody's hearts, where the fuck is Jesse?, Vampire Willow is a freak, the Shackle Shack is thriving in this universe, what Buffy would be like if she got run through a Faith filter, Puppy's weird pickup lines, we support the mission but not the method, the delicious but highly impractical human juice box machine, will it blend?, blood on the knee (operation!), marshmallow jizz, #notallvengeancedemons, Team Spillow, DaviBorZ, Dead