Denise Wakeman

Viveka von Rosen | LinkedIn Visibility Strategies For Entrepreneurs



Adventures in Visibility - LinkedIn Visibility Strategies for Entrepreneurs with Viveka von Rosen  Watch the video on YouTube: "Your business’s LinkedIn profile is your launchpad for success. It is the foundation on which your marketing strategy is built, making it one of the most important tools in your arsenal." Viveka von Rosen is one of the top LinkedIn Experts and my go-to gal for all things LinkedIn. She passionate about using and showing others how to optimally use LinkedIn. Viveka’s positive, fun-loving style makes it easy to follow and implement her strategies. In this Adventure Viveka and I discussed: ✪ Tips for using LinkedIn to build your online presence ✪ 4 steps for staying top of mind with prospects  ✪ How to get the most out of LinkedIn Pulse ✪ What’s new on LinkedIn Viveka von Rosen is author of "LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day" and is known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert”.  She hosts the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter.  Her seminars, webinars,