She's In The City By Nasheville

When Rock Bottom Leads to the Real You ft. Brit Taylor



Have you ever felt like you were moving forward yet nagged by a sense that you were driving in the wrong lane? You can see success and measure progress, but the farther you go, the more you begin to realize, “Maybe I want to be going a different direction?” If so, this week’s guest knows just how you feel, and her story of professional and personal re-routing and resilience is exactly what you need to hear, so you can make whatever life U-turn you’re nervous to make.  Singer songwriter, Brit Taylor, came to Nashville thirteen years ago from her home in eastern Kentucky. Country music was her past, present, and as she knew from an early age, it was going to be her future. So, she did the tough, boots-on-the-ground work, playing bars on Broadway for ten years while completing her music business degree and juggling a budding career as a songwriter.  Though she was thrilled to be paid to write music as a young 20-something, the publishing company she’d signed with “strongly suggested” she pursue playing with a ba