Key Voices

Key Voices #99 - Challenges and opportunities of remote teacher training and development with Oxfordshire Teaching School Alliance and Oxfordshire Teacher training



This week we talk to Adam Arnell, Director, Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance, Patrick Garton, Director Oxfordshire Teacher Training and Robbie Haddock, Associate Teacher. We discuss how their teacher training and CPD have had to adapt to provide a compelling remote offer. We consider the ways in which teachers training this year have benefited as well as some of the challenges they have faced. We look forward to the introduction of the Early Career Framework and think about how schools might want to prepare for it.   We talk about:  How Oxford Teaching Schools Alliance have developed to provide remote CPD  What it is like to be an associate teacher this year including how remote tools and practices can actually allow you to focus on and hone specific aspects of practice, in a way that can be more difficult in a traditional classroom setting  How being an associate teacher this year means there are a wealth of online CPD and networking opportunities that you can tap into How working with children in their