Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPBlab EP75 – Marketing Your WordPress Niche with Twitter Chats



This week on WPblab we'll be discussing how to market your WordPress niche with Twitter Chats. It should be a fun episode learning how to interact with a twitter chat and how to run one yourself using your own hashtag. Twitter Chats – using hashtags: (#) + ‘keyword’ to filter/track related posts on a specific topic Back in the 90’s AOL had chatrooms with names where you could talk to people about a common topic. Anyone was welcome and it was public. Twitter chats are the modern day version of that. Hashtags help you to filter and search twitter – Twitter chats are “LIVE” versions of that search where people are commenting and participating in real-time You can register your chat on twubs.com but NO ONE can own a hashtag (since anyone can type and use them). It’s important for your hashtag to be unique. If you see a hashtag that was once used but is no longer, you can always ask the original parties who used it if it’s available, but better to select something no one is already using. Twitter chats can take 3