Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP81 – Data-Centric Email Marketing for WordPress Businesses with Christie Chirinos



Segmentation FTW. Christie Chirinos email marketing as an intelligent combination of transactional emails & direct emails in part with a multi channel promotion strategy that exists as a part of a larger marketing strategy that also takes the other 3 P's into account… also FTW Personal twitter – https://twitter.com/cicichirinos Partner of Caldera Labs https://calderaforms.com/ https://twitter.com/CalderaWP She started in the nonprofit sector learning by doing. https://mailchimp.com/ (should tag with affiliate link) They use convertkit on CalderaForms now. https://convertkit.com/ ConvertKit is a great tool from segments but not user friendly ConvertKit = Photoshop MailChimp = Canva   Segmented lists Many lists can create problems with subscriptions. Consider consolidating your lists and segmenting them out.   Example of a segmented Is this for you or your clients on checkout   Focus your copy “Or this” or “if that” = Segment   Bridget loves old navy Use case Goals for creating one and done leads 1st a mon