Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP93 – Unorthodox Marketing with Meg Delagrange



Amish-born artist Meg Delagrange has always approached social media in an unorthodox way. She’s now in a venture of Design and Marketing at Urban Southern. This week on our show we’ll talk about taking an alternative approach to marketing can sometimes be the best play. https://www.twitter.com/megdelagrange https://www.instagram.com/meg.delagrange/ https://www.instagram.com/urbansouthern/ https://www.urbansouthern.com/ Bridget: “To me, the people that really stand out in marketing are the ones who do it a bit differently” (examples, Robert Nissenbaum, Rob Giles, Meg Delagrange) Meg has a unique background that really stands out.  She’s helping to build a brand and can provide ‘unorthodox’ advice!  She puts a lot of her personality into her marketing. How much of yourself should you put online? Meg used to put almost everything online, but now that she knows herself better, she gives herself time to process first There are guidelines … you may talk about dating, but best not to drop names – you have to kn