Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP99 – WordPress – Do we really need a specialty Meetup?



WordPress is a diverse and inclusive community. So why do we have specialty Meetups? Do we need one? In this episode, Jason Tucker and Bridget Willard invite the founder of Women Who WP, Jen Miller to talk about this important subject. Jen Miller – the WPblab unofficial show producer!     Started a specialty group called WomenWhoWP – geared toward women, but open to everyone!  The setup is a little different than a traditional meetup because “woman dialogue differently”. Yvonne originally coined that phrase. They wanted to be able to share and grow and dialogue together regularly!   Why do you need a woman’s meetup?  Men don’t see how much they dominate the conversation (and how much more they are represented in tech – Bridget was one of only a few woman at a recent Developer meetup).     The way women relate at meetups is far different than the way men do. Men also ask questions differently – women tend to include more social details and stories, and men tend to get straight to the point.   Friendship is wh