Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP103 – Bootstrap to Commonplace: Talking Branding & Grass Roots w/ Marc Benzakein



Everyone knows DesktopServer. But it wasn't magic. In this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by Marc Benzakein. He'll talk about how DesktopServer went from a development project to a common and popular workflow solution. Join in the live chat to ask questions. Interested in getting your product or service in front of our viewers and listeners? Check out how to sponsor an episode of one of our shows. Bridget Willard – https://www.linkedin.com/in/bridgetwillard/ Jason Tucker – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasontucker/ Marc Benzakein https://serverpress.com @marcbenzak | @serverpress   Gregg Franklin – handles 90% of the customer service because he’s so good with people David Jesch Stephen Carnam   Branding is something you have to do for yourself personally as well as the company you are with – Marc has been told he’s the face of ServerPress because he’s gone to so many WordCamps, but he also has his own “brand”   You want to know who these people are, you want to know that they’re people of integri