Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

Landing Page Best Practices



Let’s go back to basics for a moment. What is a landing page? Where do you build one? Also, what are the best practices for landing page to achieve your goal? In this episode, Jen Miller of Next Door Marketer join Jason and Bridget to let us in on her industry secrets. You will not want to miss this episode. “All of our marketing is relationship marketing.” Jen Miller Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you for being a preroll sponsor, ServerPress! ServerPress is the maker of DesktopServer, WPSiteSync, and so much more! Check them out at serverpress.com. WP and UP WP and UP recognizes that members of the WordPress community can potentially manifest mental health issues from a variety of pressures. The WP and UP Health Hubs are designed to provide holistic support for the individual. Check them out and donate to their cause: wpandup.org Are you looking for brand awareness? You could be a show sponsor. It’s up to you. Let people know you’re in business and still supporting your products. Landing Pages are Stories L