Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

Mobile-First Marketing Strategies



Those of us who work in technology can hardly imagine working without high-speed internet. Many of us pay a premium for that service. But what about the average citizen? How are they accessing content? Would you believe that 37% of American adults use their phones to go online? Even 25% of adults don’t pay for high-speed internet and rely upon data plans. “Today, 37% of U.S. adults say they mostly use a smartphone when accessing the internet.” Pew Research So, let’s have a conversation about marketing strategies that are mobile-first. We’re so happy that Wes Chyrchel is our guest to talk about this timely subject. Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you for being a preroll sponsor, ServerPress! ServerPress is the maker of DesktopServer, WPSiteSync, and so much more! Check them out at serverpress.com. Are you looking for brand awareness? You could be a show sponsor. We think it is a good idea to let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Mobile-First Means Asking Questions When you are