Doomed With Matt Binder

17: SJWs DESTROYED By Logic and Reason...Just Kidding, It's An Episode About the Intellectual Dark Web (w/ Jared Holt)



Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch and the SH!TPOST podcast joins us to discuss Bari Weiss' New York Times piece about the IDW: Intellectual Dark Web (aka I Demand Wedgies). We discuss this reactionary "free thinker / free speech" movement and it's members such as Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Candice Owens, Bret Weinstein, and Christina Hoff Sommers! We also discuss how the "dark web" is already an actual thing, how everyone part of the IDW has a victimization complex, how just because a few of these guys voted for Bernie Sanders that doesn't make them a leftist, and a whole lote more!