Doomed With Matt Binder

40: Night of the Living Deadnamers (w/ Parker Molloy)



Parker Molloy, editor-at-large of Media Matters For America, joins DOOMED with Matt Binder to discuss deadnaming and misgendering of the trans community, Twitter's new policy banning 'deadnamers' from the platform, how this makes the platform a freer place especially for transgender people, some of the worst of the worst deadnamers are not only conservatives but self-proclaimed "feminists" and "progressive" too, and the Trump administration trying to redefining transgender out of existence. We also take a broad look at the culture wars, the state of the 2020 Democratic primary a mere 59 weeks away from Iowa, Bernie vs. Beto, Google CEO Sundar Pichai's Congressional hearing, and more! Plus your livestream comments and questions!