Concerto Discreto | Deutsche Welle

Duo Brillaner: Clarinettist Shirley Brill and Pianist Jonathan Aner



Israelis Shirley Brill and Jonathen Aner merge their talents as clarinetist and pianist, respectively, in their dynamic "Duo Brillaner."At 13 years of age, Jonathan Aner heard Sharon Kam playing the clarinet and immediately fell in love with the sound - so much so, that he wanted give up playing the piano for the clarinet. Fortunately, he didn't do that, but he did encounter another clarinetist some years later: Shirley Brill. The two Israelis ended up becoming a couple, both on and off stage - dubbing themselves "Duo Brillaner" in 1999. Brill studied at the Jerusalem Music Center, while Aner attended the University of Music and Drama in Hanover, Germany. Brill continued her training at the University of Music in Luebeck, Germany, as well as at the New England Conservatory in Boston. Fans of the Concerto Discreto series could enjoy the duo's harmonious interaction at a concert on February 1, 2010, in which they played a wide variety from the clarinet repertoire - from Carl Maria von Weber's virtuoso "Grand