Minstrel And Muse

"My Favorite Wine": Somms Tina Morey & April Yap, The Wine Guy & Frank Morgan



#WineMuseThere are so many wines and so little time, how do you know where to start?  Wine Muse hosts Linda Rez and William Pollard invite four wine industry experts to the #ThirdThursday show to share their favorite wines LIVE.Guests include:Tina Morey from Protocol Wine Studios is a Certified Sommelier working on her Master of Wine. A self-described "wine peddler", Tina curates for the wine subscription services Le Metro Wine and Protocol wine studio. She has an educational online program of the same name, #WineStudio.James Melendez, The Wine Guy, was the National Food and Wine Marketing Manager at Cost Plus World Market, and he's been a writer and contributor to several online sites, as well as chief contributor at JamestheWineGuy.wordpress.comApril Yap-Hennig from The Sacred Drop is a Certified Sommelier and holds a Masters in Viticulture and Enology from the University of La Rioja, Spain, and an MBA from Purdue University.  She's lived all around the world and is currently in Oregon working as Director o