Divinely Intuitive Business Radio Show

Geoff Laughton, Secrets to Healthy Relationships and a Healthy Business



In this episode of the Divinely Intuitive™ Business Radio Show, Rev. Anne Presuel, Irreverent Rev, will be interviewing Geoff Laughton, Relationship Architect.As well as being a relationship architect, Geoff is an author, public speaker and workshop leader with 20 years' of experience coaching & mentoring individuals & couples to have the relationship of their dreams with themselves and their partners. He has been with his wife for 33 years, is a proud parent, and the author of the soon-to-be released book, “YOU Have To Make The First Move Dad!”Geoff will be teaching how to put your relationships first when designing and implementing your business, so both truly feed each other in a balanced way.Anne and Geoff will be taking your calls and questions, so call in!Click here to download Geoff's special gift for listeners: an audio entitled "Moving from Happily Ever After to True Bliss in Your Relationship."