Jane Crown's Poetry Radio

S Stephanie.



S Stephanie lives in Manchester, NH where she teaches English and Creative Writing. She also works as a nurse. Her work has appeared in magazines such as The Birmingham Poetry Review, The Café Review, The Larcom Review, Third Coast, The Southern Review and The Sun. Her chapbook, Throat is available through Igneus Press. She published and co-edited the poetry magazine, Crying Sky: Poetry & Conversation 2005-2007. She has a second chapbook coming out with Pudding House in 2009. This poem came out of the frustration I sometimes feel when I watch the news. That feeling of ones hands being tied in the midst of so much negativity. It may have been my attempt at taking back my day. We do go on with the things we deem important, despite what is happening around us. At this time I was working with Alzheimer's patients. What the News Seemed to Say is also the title poem for my new chapbook. I put the chapbook together after realizing I was a bit of a "news junky" and had several pieces inspired by or incorporating