J Fabe

The Royal Rumble - Jfabe Timewar Episode 1 - A tale of Two Tazz's



It's Royal Rumble season, Kenta is appearing on AEW and the Bullet club Looked Poised to take over the world.  Rich and Jay talk Men or Womens royal rumble, is it time for goldberg to hang up his boots, and ask how many heymans does it take to undo some handcuffs, plus: In the Jfabe Multiverse a war wages across a quarantined Galaxy and Jesse the Body Ventura, known Timeduke Fugitive starts his deposition for a trial as the rest of the universe batton down their hatches, two long lost buddies reunite, timeduke Rich and Jay, the origonal odd couple ride again.  Timeduke Rich talks about the state of the podcast since he left, Jay wonders if he ever liked Timeduke Rich to begin with or whether his human clone is the better podcast partner. Kenny Omega get's a new job and we find out if Clone Rich, last seasons host survived.