Business Leaders Podcast

ThinkTopic, excelling at tackling business problems with AI and machine learning with Jeff Rose



ThinkTopic with Jeff Rose founder and CEO. ThinkTopic is a tech firm in Boulder, Colorado that was founded a short two years ago  combining the latest discoveries of machine learning with expertise and systems engineering. Rather than a typical data science company that might produce some reports or generate some insights, (ThinkTopic) builds tools and systems that are meant to empower the business owner. ThinkTopic …is a machine learning-focused software consultancy technology company that works in a broad range of different types of problems, some computer vision, data science, signal processing, doing some work in biotech, financial tech, kind of real wide range of areas. …when you create a machine learning model, in essence what you’re doing is writing a program that’s taking in some data and adjusting its parameters based on what data it’s been exposed to so far, with the goal of sort of modeling that data to kind of understand it. Meaning what are the set of